Municipal Court Covid-19 Guidelines

As we work to put new procedures in place, we hope that you understand that these changes are not meant to inconvenience you, but rather to help ensure that everyone who enters our courtroom has the opportunity to handle their judicial matter safely and efficiently. Please be advised that the court will insist on compliance with social distancing guidelines. Also, we ask that you follow the guidelines below for a safe, effective, and efficient experience.

Due to social distancing guidelines, seating in the courtroom is limited. Therefore, one seat has been reserved for the person who received the citation. Defendants under the age of 21 may bring one (1) parent or guardian to attend the court hearing with them. Please be advised that this is not required by law. We ask that you limit additional support persons during this time due to CDC guidelines. As an added safety precaution, we encourage you not to bring infants or children to court. If childcare is an issue, we ask that you provide a mask for your child. All court participants must check-in with court security personnel. Court times have not changed; however, they will be enforced. You will be allowed to check-in at the security checkpoint only a few minutes before your scheduled court session. Court security will not allow defendants in the courtroom before his/her scheduled court session. If you arrive late, you will be referred to the Clerk's Office for further instructions.

What to expect at the Security Checkpoint?

  • You will be asked health-related questions before entering the courtroom. Depending on your responses, you may or may not be allowed into the courtroom. If you are not allowed in the courtroom, you will be referred to the Clerk's Office for your case to be rescheduled for a future court date. 
  • You may be asked to sanitize your hands before entering the courtroom.

What to expect in the Courtroom?

  • Please abide by the blue markings to adhere to social distancing in the courtroom. Court staff will be on hand to direct you throughout the court proceedings. It is highly encouraged that you use your personal writing utensil to complete any forms. The podium, pens, and signature pads are sanitized after each use. Hand sanitizer is in the courtroom for use as needed.
  • The courtroom will be sanitized between each court session.

What to expect if you fail to appear in Court?

  • Failure to appear in court or pay your citation prior to court may result in a warrant being issued and your driver's license submitted to the Georgia Department of Driver Services for suspension. 
  • Most citations can be paid online at or via the automated phone system by calling 1-877-915-0059.

Please stay safe. We look forward to serving you.

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